Wednesday 26 March 2014

Understanding what your customer really values

Mike Paton and Mark Spolander had a great morning working with the Oxfordshire Osteopathic Network. They ran a couple of group exercises to help the Osteopaths to discover what their patients really valued.

In many businesses that we work with, the business owners perceived value proposition is often different that of what the customer/client perceived value proposition is.

Our clients find it helpful to complete a customer empathy map to put themselves in their customer's 'shoes'. This together with an active feedback system will paint an accurate picture of exactly what it is your business does really well. Plus with ongoing feedback this will allow you to constantly make small adjustments to ensure that what you are offering is always up to date and reverent, which results in many happy customers for many years.

Mike Paton presenting to the Oxfordshire Osteopathic Network - best caption wins a prize!

To find out more about clarifying your value proposition email  Mark Spolander or call 01865 987 138.