Thursday 23 January 2014

The 2 Minute Power Pose

Did you know that your posture can really affect your performance? If that sounds a little far fetched, take 20 minutes to watch this excellent TED video by Harvard Business School Professor Amy Cuddy.

She shares some interesting research that shows how adopting a more confident posture increases your performance and decreases your stress levels. She ends with a 2 minute 'power-pose' challenge that you can use to boost your performance in a challenging work situation...

So why not try that power pose before your next big pitch or meeting?

Friday 17 January 2014

Stop, Reflect, Plan then Communicate!

Clareon's Mark Spolander ran another successful Growth Workshop in Crawley earlier this week. A great group of business owners who are really excited about growing their businesses. The common challenge faced by this particular group was communication and aligning their teams. All too often as busy business owners we forget to take the time to communicate the goals and vision we have for our business, which leaves the team in state of a uncertainty that ultimately has a detrimental effect on team moral and motivation.

By having a clear strategy and sharing this with your team on a regular basis will go a long way to ensure they stay motivated and focused, especially when you listen to their ideas and opinions (great source of new ideas and insights however this is sadly often overlooked!).

When was the last time you had a team meeting and shared the goals and vision for your business?

Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s workshop, it was a pleasure working with you all. Here’s what a few had to say about the day:

“Fantastic and inspiring day which allowed for planning, sharing and motivation”
“Great day. Learnt so much. Feel really empowered and motivated”Jackie Denyer and Sharon Lock – Professional Training Services (PTS)

“Excellent day, far exceeded my expectations. Time very well spent. Thank you”
“A good, well-structured course – enjoyable and informative”
James Penny and Paul Service –Comms Learning

“I learned more than I realised on the day. It has energised and inspired me to focus and push forward with developing the business”
Iain Tindall – Belay Rope Access

To find out more about attending a Growth Workshop please email Mark Spolander or call on 01865 987 138 OR contact your local Growth Manager at Growth